Thursday 29 May 2014

Three touching videos

This is an intake video that Everson is doing at Tiyamike Mulungu Center.The pictures below are the father and child and the father and his brother.

This is a video about Bubba, an orphan boy I ran into at the market
The girl in the picture is his sister, there mother is dead and the father
is mentally challenged so they have no one to care for them, have been
working on solutions for Bubba and his sister, Please Pray.

Gratitude, all these videos and the one above show that people need to be greatful and be thankful for all you have and thank God that you have been raised in North America.

Thank you all , it is late and we have a big day tomorrow.

 God Bless


  1. This is exactly what I've been waiting for! Didn't I say I wanted to see the ministry you're doing? This is so great, Dwayne. Keep posting stuff like this whenever you can :)

  2. Just catching up on your journey . Hope you are doing well .What an amazing experience you are having . Will be following your posts and watching your journey
