Saturday 3 May 2014

Sitting at the Gate

This is a test Blog. I am Sitting at the Gate in Vancouver international. Something Very Good and Christ centered happened. Two of my bags went through at 52 lbs, but the third was way over and they wanted $60 to pay for 5 kgs over. I take out 24 Ball hats from Zorn ( River friends) and some toys.

They are also checking my V isa for Malawi and a supervisor is there. I begin to have a great talk with her, and I show her the bag full of soccer nets and balls ect....   She tells me to put it all back in the bag and not to worry about the weight, I was able to bring it all through. Amen and Zorns hats make it to Africa.

God Is Good

My Daughter Alyssa, I Love You


  1. Awesome! God is good and always makes a way. I clicked on the link in my email and everything worked. We'll be following you and praying for you. Blessings

  2. Love ya and I will miss you.

    Now I can send out the the link for the blog to everyone

    Thank you and Amen it is so hard to put in words Malawi but I love it
