Tuesday 3 June 2014

House in Blantyre

The House in Blantyre, this is where we stay when we make our monthly trips from Tiyamike
which is in Bangula to Blantyre to get supplies. I wanted to share with you the kids across
the street from us, I have gotten to know the mother and father very well and I am always
over there visiting and playing soccer with the kids. I have given them 2-3 soccer balls
( Thank you Coquitlam soccer) for donating the balls so I can in turn help other kids who 
have no soccer balls. The videos are self explanitory and I thank you all for partaking in the Blogs.

At the bottom of the blogs ( small and in blue) there is a place for comments, if you ever feel that
you want to share something please feel free to post a comment.

God Bless you all from Africa

After the Manicure

African Manicure by Grace
Roadway leading up to the House

The house next door, not complete.

Market near the driveway to the house.

Me with the kids across the street.

Me with Samual, Mark and Faith.

How cool, finding His way home. Amen

1 comment:

  1. (This is Alexa, not Jeff) These stories are amazing! God is obviously doing some wonderful work in and through you. I love all of your posts!
