Tuesday 27 May 2014

Trip To Bangula/ Tiyamike Center

The video is a bit windy and a little loud, but it is more about the views, these are Not the flat plains of Africa. Amen


Sorry it has been awhile, there is not enough Internet connection to up load videos or to paste pictures to the blog while in Bangula. As you can see in the video it is a 3 hour drive through the mountains down into the bottom of a valley in the middle of no-where, Thank God I came in May so I can \aclimatise, because come September it can get to 40 to 45 or even 50 degrees, now that is HOT and the mosquito's get real bad,

To tell you how crazy hot , and how desolate Bangula is, the Government would send there employees there as punishment when they were messing up in there jobs, as Russians send people to Siberia as punishment Malawians send there people to Bangula and I choose to come here and serve LOL Insanity.

Below is one more video of us heading out of town. I have also posted a few pictures showing the journey to Bangula, including the empty truck and how full we packed it here in Blantyre for the trip to Tiyamike, which as you know is in the town of Bangula. The water tank is a 50 liter tank and was quite a task loading it.There are pictures of people I encountered on the way at various stops and people just walking down the roads.

This is a video of us driving from a place after picking up 5 cases of peanut butter, on our way back through Blantyre and heading out on our 3 hour journey to Bangula.
Empty truck before we loaded it for our trip.

The truck with a 50 liter water tank. LOL

Some of the stuff to be loaded.

Alot more stuff with 30 25 kg bags of Maise.

Before the Maise, maise is the staple diet here and it is corn ground into a power, then they make a dough out of it .

Back view before we loaded everything up, sorry a bit out of order in my picture attachments.

I do not want to over load the blog, so i will send another one with pictures of people along the way on our trip to Tiyamike.

Thank you all and have a wondeful day & God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dwayne, Thanks for posting the videos and pics. Its great to be able to get a bit of a feel for where you are. You are often in our thoughts and prayers.
