Thursday 8 May 2014

5 days in Blantyre

The Video is very windy and loud, in the back of a truck, the first video of many to come. :)  I Pray it works ????

Hello From Africa

What a journey, it took 2 days,3 planes, one of which was the Airbus 380( I will include a picture from the tarmack in Johanesberg), 490 people with a upper and lower deck,an increadible plane, 20 hours of flying to get to Malawi. I am spending 5 days in Blantyre and then it is a 3hr ride in the back of the truck in this video to Bangula where the orphanage is.Will, Pam and myself had lunch with another missionary couple today, we talked about the government and unicef wanting to close the orphanges, it is called the Millenium Project. Not only in Malawi but all of Africa, they just want to give the orphans back to there tribes or family members,the only problem is that most of these children have lost both parents to aids and have no family,What do they paln to do with all of them, a stat for you, there are a million orphan kids in Malawi alone. Prayer would be good.

The people are so nice, and when we cruise into town everyone walking on the roads waves and smiles then they give you a thumbs up.The average income in Malawi is $200 a year so most are also asking for money.I feel one of the best ways to share with you is pictures and videos and writing about the adventure that lies ahead. We will be going into villages and meeting with tribal leaders  discussing political and family issues as well as evangelising. I have met some pastors from a few villages already, and I have  been invited to come and speak, we are going to wait a month, so I can get situated and prepared spiritually and emotionally before heading out into the trenches.

Zoran, I want to let you know that the 24 hats you gave me almost did not make it to Africa.At Vancouver airport when I weighed in my 3 bags , 1 was over by 6 kg and they wanted to charge me $60.The only bulky items were your hats and some toys.  I pulled them out and I was not going to be able to take them,then God intervened , they were checking my Visa and a supervisor showed up, we got to talking and I showed her all the soccer nets,balls and shirts ( Thank you Coquitlam Soccer) she saw everything and I explained what I was doing. She looked at me, and said pack it all back up and have a nice trip. Amen ( just for you Jon Morrison) Amen LOL

I get to the airport in Blantyre, small airport and I end up giving all the customs people and immigration people hats with the Canadian flags, They were so happy and now people coming into Blantyre will see your hats, don't worry Zoran I still have 14 hats for the kids, say hello to the River gang please.

I want to end with a few pictures

I was walking to get some fruit at a stand this morning around 7:00 am through the dirt trails and I come across this guy with a pig and he is burning it with brush, he would get the pig hot and use his Knife to scrape of the fur, hair down to the skin. I should have stayed and had some fresh bacon, but I continued on my way, breakfast African style.
I just noticed that I am ending the blog with a picture of a dead pig with a Milawian man burning and skining it.  T.I.A  This is Africa  Ha Ha

Thank you all so much, I have a place in my Heart for every person getting this Blog, and P.S I will not end with the pig, but with a picture of the massive Airbus 380 as I said I would do at the beggining of the letter.


Thank you all again, will be blogging again soon, Have a Blessed day and God Bless



  1. Excellent! It looks like you've jumped in with both feet. We will be praying for you as well as Will and Pam. Looking forward to more blogs. Cool airplane!

  2. Wow. The start of a true-to-life adventure and a definitely a mission from God. I admire your courage and sense of goodwill. God bless!
