Saturday 6 September 2014

Local Animals

                                                                      THE IMPALA

On the way back to Bangula from Blantyre there is a place called Fishermans Rest. We stop by there sometimes on the way home to pick up supplies. The last time I was there we saw a couple of Impalas.

Close up of the Impala at Fishermans Rest. Just roaming around feeding " How cool".

A little video with the Impalas, kinda hard to see so look close.

                                                                   THE CROC'S

Two Croc's sun bathing
This is the big daddy.

Close up of a little guy.

Extreme close up.

There is a Crocodile farm about a 1/2 hour from the center, a co worker knew someone who worked there so one Saturday 3 of us cruised over to check out the croc's. The only thing seperating us was a little wire fence, just crazy.

                                                                      THE SNAKE

You can see the snake coiled up, in the middle.

Can see a bit of our buddy.

A little closer look, but in the video below we get alot closer.


As you can see in the video, it is a little dangerous just going to get bricks. We go out to this location often, as this is where our bricks are stored. In the video and in the boar hole video you can see the bricks in big piles. We back the truck up and then start loading  bricks from the piles not knowing if there is a venomous African snake lurking about. We saw this snake  "it was venomous" in the bricks. So I broke out the camera and started filming " of course" and it turned out rather well. It is quite a big snake and it had to be killed. If we left it alive and came back another time to get bricks and our little buddy was still there and bite someone, they could DIE, so hence the destruction of the snake. Keeping you all informed as I journey through Africa.



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