Thursday 14 August 2014

The Plains

                                                                    The Boar Hole

Hello, please watch videos and pictures full screen, they have a little more effect and you can see things better, enjoy and God Bless.

Going to get bricks in the middle of nowhere.

An old house in the village.

This is the size and look of an average house in Africa, usually will have a grass roof. Of course this is crumbling and abandoned but this is about the size.

So walk around your house or apartment then look at this house and imagine 5 or 6 people living with you in your little house. So there will be no complaining anymore about your living conditions.

Guys loading the bricks.

Close up.

The boar hole, this is one of Tyamike's boar holes in a village about 20 min from the Center.

The old man at the boar hole. LOL

The Wooden Bike

The first half of the video is sideways or upside down, sorry. The end is correct so tilt your head for the first half. This guy built this bike out of wood.

Alfread holding the Masterpiece

Linjie the bike creator and Will.

Close up of the Bike, so cool and creative of Linjie

Linjie and his amazing wooden bike.

We were driving from the house outside of Blantyre into town and we saw this guy on his bike. We stopped and talked to Linjie for awhile. He made the bike out of wood, all wood except the gears and chain. he said that he wants to put an engine onto it. We exchanged numbers and Linjie said he would call when he has done it. You see the craziest things, people,animals and building driving around Africa. Linjie the wooden bike guy.I try to share these crazy and fun things with all of you, trying to give you a little taste of what it like here. I have many more things to share with you, so for now God Bless and Amen.

My brother Brian at the Poco Cabana, I am sure you and all the guys will really appiciate linjies Bike.

Till next time, remember you are not in control, God is, so go have yourselves a Blessed day.

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