Saturday 6 September 2014

My Vision & Prayes coming True

                                                             THE SOCCER VISION

As a lot of you know I have always wanted to come to Africa and set the kids up with REAL soccer stuff, hence a soccer field with all the trimmings. Coquitlam soccer, this blog is all because of you guys over there, who so generously gave me all I needed and more. There are a bunch of pictures below showning the Dream in action. Coquitlam soccer provided me with the nets and thirteen new soccer jerseys purple and thirteen new green jerseys, so now we have two teams. They also provided me with twelve soccer balls which I de- flated and put in the suitcase with the nets and jerseys.They also provided me with 30 white new tee-shirts which I have given out to kids along my journey as shown below with the kids across the street. Thank you so much, all of you at Coquitlam soccer for the abundance of gifts for Africa, you have so much cloths there to share and if it were not for the 3 bag/50lbs limit, I would have brought so much more because you had it there for the offering. I could not have done it with out your support, God Bless all of you.

Frances Jean, thank you so much for the financial aid you sent me. I want to show you where the finances were spent, it was for everything needed to build the actual nets. I bought 15 twelve ft pieces of pipe and welding material,primer,paint, and also paying the welder. I got down to it and drew up the plans to build the nets. Off I went with a welder and in a day we built 2 nets and painted them and ending with attaching the nets. The kids use the nets EVERYDAY, yes EVERYDAY, all the time, They are on school break till Monday but all summer these nets have been used. Local kids come by now, and they have games with our kids using the nets and Jerseys and balls. Thank you so much Frances, a day does not go by where the kids are not smiling ear to ear as they carry the nets out to the field to play a sport that builds character and friendships. God Bless you.

So here is a photo viewing of a Vision and prayer to have a Soccer field in Africa, coming true and it did take some time but here it is. Than you Jesus.

The nets welded together

Add white paint after primer.

Nice side view of the posts.

Back view of the finished product. Amen

Front view. Thank you Jesus

Side view, with the entry way into Tiyamike in the back ground., God is Good.

The OLD nets/posts.

Action shot.

Action air shot with one of the old bamboo posts.

Complete Joy wearing seperate jerseys.

Thank you Coquitlam soccer.

Proud of there team.

Coquitlam also threw in two goalie jerseys, Amen

                                                                    Before and After

This morning I went across the street to see my other group of kids in Blantyre " Notice the wardrobe".

Ready for a wardrobe change.

5 Min later they are outfitted with some shirts provided by Coquitlam Soccer.

They were all running around screaming and jumping because they actually had a clean new shirt to wear.

 I am so happy that everything in the pictures above came to take place with the help of some loyal people and a lot of work and effort the soccer games will continue in a way they have never expierienced and kids are getting new cloths to wear.

Thank you all and THANK YOU GOD for providing for all these children with nothing, the simple little things bring so much joy to these children.


1 comment:

  1. That was so awesome to see them enjoying the soccer equipment
