Saturday 27 September 2014

The Reality of Africa

                                                                    The Village

Dont mind the wind, but look at the sights in the video, We had to go 8 km  of the main road to take a child to her village. This is what it looks like for hundreds of miles when you start  heading to the back woods of Africa. Notice how the dirt roads are, and then you can see how a village looks with straw huts and little brick buildings. That is the extent of what the back roads of Africa look like for mile after mile after mile. It is dirt road and fields, then a little village and it goes on and on and on. Below are some pictures as we drove and arrived at the village. Looking at the pictures and video Full screen will do it more justice. Amen

A typical view, trees in the background are massive.

Yes, that would be the road, and a white tree ?

Your Serengetti African tree, this one is about 800 - 1000 years old. The bottom of the trunk is twice the size of the road .

Bathrooms, outside a school. No running water anywhere, bore holes and buckets.

A school on the way to the village.

Someones home.

Very desolate these places.

Bamboo fence and straw roofs, the norm out here.

The older houses are round.

A very normal house, round with a straw roof and about 6-8 people will live here.

They burn everything here in Africa.


                                Views from the road/ Going to Blantyre

Beautiful view going up the Valley grade.

A village in the Valley

Trucks loaded as high as possible on the road a lot.

Soccer game on a African soccer field.

Part of the hillside

Homes in a village along the road.

This is the Main Highway going through malawi ( 2 lanes).

You see little settings like this every 20 - 30 km.

Out for a stroll.

Just cruising along

Road side hut.

Selling charcoal, wrapped in white, standing.

They have Palm trees every now and then.

It must be 5:00 p.m, all year, 365 days a year it gets dark by 5:15

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