Thursday 29 May 2014

Three touching videos

This is an intake video that Everson is doing at Tiyamike Mulungu Center.The pictures below are the father and child and the father and his brother.

This is a video about Bubba, an orphan boy I ran into at the market
The girl in the picture is his sister, there mother is dead and the father
is mentally challenged so they have no one to care for them, have been
working on solutions for Bubba and his sister, Please Pray.

Gratitude, all these videos and the one above show that people need to be greatful and be thankful for all you have and thank God that you have been raised in North America.

Thank you all , it is late and we have a big day tomorrow.

 God Bless

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Trip To Bangula/ Tiyamike Center

The video is a bit windy and a little loud, but it is more about the views, these are Not the flat plains of Africa. Amen


Sorry it has been awhile, there is not enough Internet connection to up load videos or to paste pictures to the blog while in Bangula. As you can see in the video it is a 3 hour drive through the mountains down into the bottom of a valley in the middle of no-where, Thank God I came in May so I can \aclimatise, because come September it can get to 40 to 45 or even 50 degrees, now that is HOT and the mosquito's get real bad,

To tell you how crazy hot , and how desolate Bangula is, the Government would send there employees there as punishment when they were messing up in there jobs, as Russians send people to Siberia as punishment Malawians send there people to Bangula and I choose to come here and serve LOL Insanity.

Below is one more video of us heading out of town. I have also posted a few pictures showing the journey to Bangula, including the empty truck and how full we packed it here in Blantyre for the trip to Tiyamike, which as you know is in the town of Bangula. The water tank is a 50 liter tank and was quite a task loading it.There are pictures of people I encountered on the way at various stops and people just walking down the roads.

This is a video of us driving from a place after picking up 5 cases of peanut butter, on our way back through Blantyre and heading out on our 3 hour journey to Bangula.
Empty truck before we loaded it for our trip.

The truck with a 50 liter water tank. LOL

Some of the stuff to be loaded.

Alot more stuff with 30 25 kg bags of Maise.

Before the Maise, maise is the staple diet here and it is corn ground into a power, then they make a dough out of it .

Back view before we loaded everything up, sorry a bit out of order in my picture attachments.

I do not want to over load the blog, so i will send another one with pictures of people along the way on our trip to Tiyamike.

Thank you all and have a wondeful day & God Bless

Sunday 11 May 2014

Heading to Bangula/ The Orphange

Hello All

It has been a long week running around Blantyre picking up supplies for the Orphange. I have not made it to the Orphanage yet, we should be heading out there tomorrow or Tuesday .Three hr drive through the mountains ( U know I will be video taping, LOL). Again I have a little video for you to see showing the landscape of Milawi.

So much fun ( Leanne"s comment) last night in the complex the dogs are barking and barking so I get up and go outside to see whats up. The two Malawian workers were there baffled, I have a flashlite and shine it, and  I see a big white tail, it was a cat by a tree, I walked up to get the cat and it jumped up the tree, right away the dogs jump so high up and grab the cat and takes of with it. The two dogs shake it around so violently and it is dead, but now and I need to get it from the dogs, I grab a broom and use the handle to pin the dogs head to the ground so I can get the cat from him.The dog breaks loose and grabs the cat and is crunching it like crazy and shaking it around like a rag doll and runs under the truck. Finally I get the mangled cat from the dog and bag it up, first week and entertainment at 1:30 a.m in the morning Amen

Here are a few pictures of people I have ran into over the days.

 Every time we make a stop someone needs to stay with the truck because everthing will get stolen in 2 seconds. I am watching the truck and all these school kids are getting out from school. There is a massive spider in a massive web in a tree ( tried to get pic's - to high up though) The kids have rubber bands ( Look at the above picture, you can see the bands in thier hands) ,so we make paper bullets and they are shooting them at the web so the spider is running all ove the web. It was fun and the kids were amazing.

Wonderful lady who I bought penuts off.

These crazy little guys we a blast and I gave them
500 Kwacha and they went running up the highway
screaming and yelling with so much joy. I got a talking to
from Will about the amount, will explain later.

Mechanic at the tire shop

Market place just about a block from the house.

Jon Morrison's book- Clear minds Dirty feet. Well Jon I
have a clear mind and here are my Dirty Feet ( Praise Jesus) after a day in
Blantyre. Everyday coming home this is how the feet look.

$360.00 Kwatcha is $1.00 , so people make $600.00 Kwatcha a day and most spend 1/2 for transportation to work. If we do the math they make $300 Kwatcha a day $1. If we make $20.00 an hour in Canada is $160.00 a day. So me giving $500 Kwatcha to the kids would be like giving $80.00 to someone on the street. Not good ,so I have been corrected and now give one to two hundred Kwatcha to people.

I think that should do it for now, went to two churchs this morning, one Malawian with a translater, man can they preach with enthusiasm and energy, everyone is cheering and worshiping ( I think we were the only white people there out of 150 people) the other was more ex-pats, Australians, Dutch, and Canadians but was a wonderful sevice.  God put a lady in my path who's husband is an alcohlic but is also a beleiver but not a follower, I shared some of my story with her and she wanted me to e-mail my Testemony to her so she can show her husband ( Pray for the Spirit to do a good work)

Love all of you ,and signing out for now

God is Good

Thursday 8 May 2014

5 days in Blantyre

The Video is very windy and loud, in the back of a truck, the first video of many to come. :)  I Pray it works ????

Hello From Africa

What a journey, it took 2 days,3 planes, one of which was the Airbus 380( I will include a picture from the tarmack in Johanesberg), 490 people with a upper and lower deck,an increadible plane, 20 hours of flying to get to Malawi. I am spending 5 days in Blantyre and then it is a 3hr ride in the back of the truck in this video to Bangula where the orphanage is.Will, Pam and myself had lunch with another missionary couple today, we talked about the government and unicef wanting to close the orphanges, it is called the Millenium Project. Not only in Malawi but all of Africa, they just want to give the orphans back to there tribes or family members,the only problem is that most of these children have lost both parents to aids and have no family,What do they paln to do with all of them, a stat for you, there are a million orphan kids in Malawi alone. Prayer would be good.

The people are so nice, and when we cruise into town everyone walking on the roads waves and smiles then they give you a thumbs up.The average income in Malawi is $200 a year so most are also asking for money.I feel one of the best ways to share with you is pictures and videos and writing about the adventure that lies ahead. We will be going into villages and meeting with tribal leaders  discussing political and family issues as well as evangelising. I have met some pastors from a few villages already, and I have  been invited to come and speak, we are going to wait a month, so I can get situated and prepared spiritually and emotionally before heading out into the trenches.

Zoran, I want to let you know that the 24 hats you gave me almost did not make it to Africa.At Vancouver airport when I weighed in my 3 bags , 1 was over by 6 kg and they wanted to charge me $60.The only bulky items were your hats and some toys.  I pulled them out and I was not going to be able to take them,then God intervened , they were checking my Visa and a supervisor showed up, we got to talking and I showed her all the soccer nets,balls and shirts ( Thank you Coquitlam Soccer) she saw everything and I explained what I was doing. She looked at me, and said pack it all back up and have a nice trip. Amen ( just for you Jon Morrison) Amen LOL

I get to the airport in Blantyre, small airport and I end up giving all the customs people and immigration people hats with the Canadian flags, They were so happy and now people coming into Blantyre will see your hats, don't worry Zoran I still have 14 hats for the kids, say hello to the River gang please.

I want to end with a few pictures

I was walking to get some fruit at a stand this morning around 7:00 am through the dirt trails and I come across this guy with a pig and he is burning it with brush, he would get the pig hot and use his Knife to scrape of the fur, hair down to the skin. I should have stayed and had some fresh bacon, but I continued on my way, breakfast African style.
I just noticed that I am ending the blog with a picture of a dead pig with a Milawian man burning and skining it.  T.I.A  This is Africa  Ha Ha

Thank you all so much, I have a place in my Heart for every person getting this Blog, and P.S I will not end with the pig, but with a picture of the massive Airbus 380 as I said I would do at the beggining of the letter.


Thank you all again, will be blogging again soon, Have a Blessed day and God Bless


Saturday 3 May 2014

Sitting at the Gate

This is a test Blog. I am Sitting at the Gate in Vancouver international. Something Very Good and Christ centered happened. Two of my bags went through at 52 lbs, but the third was way over and they wanted $60 to pay for 5 kgs over. I take out 24 Ball hats from Zorn ( River friends) and some toys.

They are also checking my V isa for Malawi and a supervisor is there. I begin to have a great talk with her, and I show her the bag full of soccer nets and balls ect....   She tells me to put it all back in the bag and not to worry about the weight, I was able to bring it all through. Amen and Zorns hats make it to Africa.

God Is Good

My Daughter Alyssa, I Love You